Ash Green

Ash Green

Community Primary School

  1. SEND/Pastoral

Mission Statement: ‘Ash Green provides a safe, caring environment where our intent is that learning is irresistible, challenging and fun. We recognise each child as being unique and support each other to achieve through enjoyment of the implementation of our whole curriculum so that we can all make a positive contribution to the community. Our school promotes health, happiness and excellence for all, thus building the learning community of Mixenden’.


At Ash Green we understand that children and their families can experience difficulties from time to time and would benefit from further support. We have a strong Inclusion Team who are always keen to help in any way they can. It may be that support is needed for a short while or it could be a longer process. At Ash Green the emotional well-being of our pupils and their families is of the highest importance and having our dedicated team enables these issues to be given the time and care needed to be sensitively worked through together. Our aim is break down the barriers to learning and help our families and community in a positive way so that all children can be happy and settled.


Our school based social worker, Mr. Monaghan, can advise with family matters and make referrals to relevant agencies as well as supporting parents through challenging times. Mrs. McHugh is the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) and advocates for pupils with additional learning needs. Miss Thompson is our Assistant Head Teacher and has a responsibility for leading on behaviour and pastoral support in school. Mrs. Ackroyd and Mrs. Bowers are very experienced pastoral workers who deliver a wealth of interventions to individuals and groups focusing on emotional wellbeing.

If you have any concerns about your child, please speak to their class teacher or contact the school office and ask to speak to someone from our team above.